About Ashinaga

Contact Us

There are a variety of ways you can support Ashinaga Scholars in their academic and professional development. If you would like to make a contribution of services, please reach out to us via email.

Internships: Ashinaga students are required to complete one summer internship on the continent before graduation, and many also complete internships in the USA. We seek collaboration with individuals and companies who can coordinate internships for our students.

Mentorship: Our students greatly benefit from one-on-one mentorship from Africans who have studied abroad, work in the US, or moved back to the continent. Arranging mentorship sessions 4-6 times per year to one or more students provides invaluable insight.

Other Contributions: We welcome in-kind contributions, including pro-bono or donated services in an area of expertise, for example professional development workshops, guest speaker sessions, and access to subscription services, such as journalistic websites or coding software.

Ashinaga USA
12 E. 49th Street, 11th Floor
New York, NY 10017
